Data Connect | Using Trino

Using Trino

The dbGaP GECCO Example

In the provision data section, we’ve shown a quick start recipe with the data-connect-trino docker container connected to a Trino instance hosted at This section provides more information on how this was accomplished.


The following is required before we start.

  1. Java 11+
  2. A Trino server you can access anonymously over HTTP(S).
  3. Git

If you don’t have a Trino server to work against and you wish to try the app, try using as the data source.

1. Building the Trino Adapter App

Clone the repository

git clone

Build the app

./mvnw clean package

2. Configuration

For a minimal configuration, we need a local PostgreSQL database where the app stores its bookkeeping information. By default, the app looks for a local PostgreSQL instance at localhost:5432 with username, password, and database name dataconnecttrino. You can spin up such a database with this docker command:

docker run -d -p 5432:5432 --name data-connect-app-db -e POSTGRES_USER=dataconnecttrino -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=dataconnecttrino postgres

Now you only need to provide two parameters: PRESTO_DATASOURCE_URL and SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE.

PRESTO_DATASOURCE_URL points to the Trino server you wish to expose with a Data Connect API.

SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE is used to disable OAuth authentication, which simplifies first-time setup.

export PRESTO_DATASOURCE_URL=https://<your-presto-server>

3. Run the adapter App

./mvnw clean spring-boot:run

Your application should now be accessible at http://localhost:8089/tables

To test the app out, follow the consuming data section.

Further Configuration

Further configuration can be found at: data-connect-trino.